Saturday, June 19, 2010

潮性辦公室Season 2

等了四個多月,潮性辦公室第二季終於來臨。喜劇大師詹瑞文四位徒弟Tyson, Harriet, Rosa及智堅再次踏上舞台,上演一幕又一幕的辦公室趣事,為觀眾大放笑彈。

在Season 2中,大部分舊角色再次出現,當中少不了大受觀眾歡迎的送水猛男輝哥、無論精神上或生理上都感到「很乾」的蘇小姐、神經質女祕書Rachel,以及與女上司關係複雜的Gilbert。一如Season 1,每幕戲之間都加插了約10分鐘的獨腳戲,演員分別模仿四個不同的見工情境。Season 2是Season 1的延續,兩者內容有連貫性。由於很多原有角色都被保留下來,Season 2 的新元素不多,故事及角色的發展亦與Season 1相差無幾。其中由翟凱泰(Tyson)演出的見工獨腳戲,對白與上一季幾乎完全一樣。有看過Season 1的觀眾感到有共鳴,但亦有人覺得內容重覆太多。

雖然內容沒有太大驚喜,但這齣舞台劇仍和上次一樣,成功令全場觀眾開懷大笑兩小時。由於Season 2在面積較小的壽臣劇院上演,觀眾與演員間的距離拉近了,現場反應似乎比Season 1(於葵青劇場上演) 時熱烈,兩小時內,拍掌聲歡呼聲不絕。四位演員表現一如以往出色。擁有豐富舞台喜劇經驗的Tyson及Harriet把搞鬼角色發揮得淋漓盡致,一舉手一投足都足以逗得觀眾捧腹大笑。新晉演員Rosa及智堅亦絕不遜色,在台上十分淡定,聲線瞭亮,配合肢體語言,鬼馬演繹各種抵死對白。劇終謝幕時,四位演員得到全場觀眾如雷貫耳的掌色和喝采聲,證明他們的努力絕對沒有白費。「潮」劇令四位演員聲名大噪,如今在很多觀眾眼中,他們已不只是詹瑞文徒弟」,而是能獨當一面的喜劇新星。

由於「潮」劇十分受歡迎,四位演員似乎亦有意思繼續創作Season 3、Season 4,讓這齣舞台劇延續下去,把歡樂帶給更多觀眾。到底會否有更多搞鬼新角色、新笑料? 大家就拭目以待吧!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Apple unveils iPhone 4

Apple announced its newest iPhone at 10:00am on Monday(US time). As usual, CEO Steve Jobs did the keynote for the latest product.

The new iPhone is said to be having "over 100 new features", but Jobs focused on a few of them in the keynote.

1. An all new design. The back of the new iPhone is flat, but not curved like the previous design. It has glass on the front and the back, with steel around the sides. It's 24% thinner than the old iPhones. On the body you can find voice control buttons, sleep-wake button, a front-facing camera, a micro SIM tray, a camera and LED on the back. In fact. The new iPhone looks exactly like the previously leaked, no big surprises!

2. Retina Display. Images and text would look much sharper with the new display. Retina Display increases the pixel density by four times, which means there will be 326 pixels per inch. That's pretty cool huh?

3. A4 chip. The iPhone 4 is powered by an A4 chip developed by Apple's own team. With the small A4 chip, the battery can be made bigger. The battery life is improved, 7 hours of 3G talk, 6 hours of 3G browsing, 10 hours of WiFi browsing, 10 hours of video, 40 hours of music and 300 hours of standby.

4. Gyroscope. This is a piece of hardware which makes your gaming experience even better. It is more sensitive to movements of the player. Jobs demonstrated with a Jenga game. He did a turn and the block of wood actually went with him. Quite amazing.

5. New camera system. The camera will be upgraded from 3 megapixel to 5 megapixel, there will also be an LED flash. Other than that, the new camera system is also capable of filming HD videos, 720p at 30fps! There will also be a film-editing application, iMovie available for the new iPhone.

6. iOS4. This is the new operation system for iPhone. It allows users to do multi-tasking and create folders. For search engines, apart from Google search and Yahoo!, Bing will be added. Whoa. Putting your opponents' search engines in your new product...that's... generous! Ha!

7. iBooks. A PDF reader and the iBookstore will be installed in the iPhone. You can look up the dictionary, highlight, note or search the text while reading.

8. iAds. This helps developers to earn more money. Some advertisements are interactive, like the Nissan Ad demonstrated by Jobs. iAd will be turned on for all iOS4 devices starting from July 1st.

9. FaceTime. Jobs made a video call to Jony Ive to demonstrate the video call function. Though the screen froze up for a second, Jobs claims that it never freezes and asked if the audience had turned off their Wifi. A commercial for the FaceTime function was played.

Jobs summed up the whole keynote by giving information about the price, dates which it will be available for sale, OS upgrade scheme for previous iPhones and iPod Touches, and last but not least, another commercial for iPhone 4.

iPhone 4 will be available in Hong Kong in July.
To read the complete Keynote coverage, here's a link.
iPhone 4 Keynote live coverage @