Saturday, September 25, 2010

Top 10 Reasons Why Girls Love Edward Cullen

~ Top 10 Reasons Why Girls Love Edward Cullen ~
1. He's a vampire who doesn't bite. Having him as a boyfriend is like keeping the rarest pet on the planet.
2. He reads mind. That makes him the best tool for you to identify genuine friends and bitches among all the people around you.
3. He's super rich, and will happily buy you anything, from a race car to a place at a university like Dartmouth.
4. He's got a psychic sister. Befriend her and ask her about the stock market trend. You'll soon become the next Bill Gates (female version, of course).
5. He runs very fast and doesn't mind carrying a girlfriend on his back. That saves you a lot of traveling time and expenditure.
6. He doesn't sleep. You'll never feel helpless or alone when you wake up from a nightmare and want somebody to talk to 3A.M. in the morning.
7. He's 109 years old. Mature enough to help you handle any problems that you haven't experienced yet. Can probably help you get an A in History exams.
8. He's unbelievably handsome. Has "God-like features", as described by Bella Swan. And the best thing is, his face stays like this forever. You can enjoy the same beautiful face every single day of forever.
9. He's bizarrely moral (for a vampire). Refuses to change you into a vampire as he doesn't want you to become a "soulless monster" like him. Cares about your virginity even more than you do. Extremely loyal and faithful. Ready to marry you and stay with you forever (literally, as he's immortal).
10. He makes you realize that there's no such perfect creature like him in the human world. Wake up and face the reality. You should be really thankful if your human boyfriend has any of the above qualities.

Friday, September 10, 2010

我不是iPhone! 但我也有Multi-tasking功能!

今時今日的智能電話功能多多,能發電郵、無線上網、玩遊戲、聽音樂、看電影、拍高清影片......而近來蘋果推出的iPhone 4,又標榜「multi-tasking」的功能, 即同一時間處理不同任務。「Multi-tasking」在智能電話市場上並非新玩意,只是蘋果推介的功能總會特別引人注目。看到這些產品報導,我忽發奇想,其實我們香港人又何嘗不是善於multi-tasking的「智能人」呢?


做學生,要懂得multi-tasking。雖說求學不是求分數,但要入大學,要有好前途,仍是要靠一張成績表。為了在公開試中取得佳績,不少學生除了上學,放學後還補讀多個補習班,每月給補習名師奉獻好幾百元,就是要取得「雞精Notes」,全力催谷成績。不過,這樣還未夠! 因為求學並不只是求分數,而是要求學生有豐富的生活經驗。為了令學生紀錄表上的「課外學習」一欄更加精采,學生在課餘時間還要參與各種課外活動,務求做到琴棋書畫樣樣皆精,而最終目標,當然是成為個文武兼備的高材生,爭取一個大學學位(最好當然是「名牌大學」了),完成爹娘心願,光宗耀祖。除了以上的「正經事」,求學時期的青少年都處於青春期,對愛情充滿好奇心和憧憬,在數年求學生涯中,情情愛愛的小插曲通常都少不了。又要顧好成績,又要發掘讀書以外的個人潛能,緣份來到時更要上寶貴的愛情第一課,以上種種加起來,學生不懂multi-tasking又怎能應付?

做打工仔,更加要學曉multi-tasking。要有升職機會、要爭取更高人工,當然要出盡己力「做好呢份工」。但這通常都是說易行難,每日面對一堆又一堆的沉悶至極的工作,人的隋性便會開始誘惑你去找機會「蛇王」。老闆一走開,大家便以九秒九的速度收起電腦屏幕上的Microsoft Office工具,取而代之的當然是Facebook、MSN等版面了!一邊工作,一邊娛樂,相信也是multi-tasking的一種吧!除此之外,在爾虞我詐的社會工作,實在要一心幾用,除了做好本份,還要一眼關七,提防身邊小人,以防墮入現實版的「宮心計」!下班後,雖然暫時擺脫了工作負擔,但仍要花精神與家人維繫感情、花時間溝通溝通,處理各項家族大小事務。俱俱一個打工仔,身上的職務卻往往比職銜大得多,在這種環境下仍能生存至今的打工仔們,不是multi-tasking達人又是什麼呢?

在香港,連家庭主婦都是一等一的multi-tasker!何以見得?因為她們每日要處理的事務,可能比學生或打工仔更多!作為家庭主婦,做家務是例行動作。千萬別小看「做家務」這職責!即使是煮一頓飯,也需要經過精心計劃才能成功。這頓飯疏菜和肉的比例平衡嗎?太多肉又不健康,只有疏菜小朋友又未必喜歡。菜式夠新穎嗎?如果前兩天已煮過,家人大抵會吃厭吧!好了,想好菜式,下一步又要考慮怎樣煮。只得兩個爐,如何煮才能在同一時間完成幾道餸菜呢?這鑊用來蒸魚,便不能炒菜了。那大煲用了來煲湯,那如何炆牛腩呢?以上一切一切,都是準備飯菜的人要考慮的事,而不少主婦們在買材料前還要精心計算支出,要以最低價錢買到最好的食材,這就叫精打細算了!單單煮一頓飯都要花這麼多心機,你可以想想所有家務加起來有多難應付!現今很多家庭主婦實在知識淵博,有些在閒時精心研究股市,孖展藍籌皆有鑽研,投資心得拍得住電視上的股市專家;有些則為了協助子女讀書,自己也讀起來,中英數常各種科目也略讀一二,是名副其實的「通識」-「通通都識」。每天要完成這麼多不同性質的任務,仍能把整個家打理得井井有條、照顧好每一個家人的家庭主婦們,multi-tasking的能力相信比iPhone 4還要厲害!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notable YouTube Channels

Youtube is a place where people can develop and share their creativity with the whole world by posting interesting videos to the site. Ordinary people get a chance to be famous by doing this and internet celebrities emerge. Some big corporations also make use of this platform to broadcast their news or online shows. Here are some interesting Youtube channels.

Michael Buckley talks about hot topics in the entertainment industry, often making parodies of celebrities and pop cultures like TV shows, movies and pop stars etc. Apart from the amusing content of the show itself, his high-energy and fast-talking presentation style also grabs the viewers' attention. The channel now has more than 920, 000 subscribers.

Remi Gaillard became famous among French media for playing a series of hilarious pranks on random targets, from innocent passer-by to policemen. He often disguises himself as cartoon characters or animals by wearing costumes. Remi played lots of different characters in his videos, like Super Mario, Pac Man, chef, beaver, butterfly, snail, astronaut and more. I wonder how many times has he been caught by the police?

Mondo Mini Shows
Mondo Mini Shows broadcasts the popular flash cartoon series Happy Tree Friends. Despite its childish title and cute appearances of the animal characters, the content of the cartoon is in fact very violent, often showing bloodsheds and scenes in which the characters are killed in a cruel and painful way.

Will It Blend?
This channel is actually a marketing campaign by Blendtec, a company that sells home blenders. Tom Dickson, the CEO of the company, demonstrate the powerful blending abilities of their products by putting non-food stuff into the machine. He has already successfully destroyed a Nike shoe, a baseball, an iPad, several iPhones, a glow stick, a Wii remote and loads of other products which are not supposed to blend.