Saturday, May 29, 2010


一個人的實際體積未必能輕易改變, 但當投入一段感情時,我們便會自動調較情人在我們心中的大小。

你的喜怒哀樂都被他的一舉一動影響著。跟他吵架,這刻你為他哭得死去活來,下 一刻又被他的甜言蜜語逗得笑逐顏開,你心想:這世上大概沒有人比他更懂逗你笑了!

你開始覺得,他根本不了解你的需要。你想重拾當初為他放棄的一切、擴闊視野, 多看看他以外的人和事。這時候,你決定把他縮小,好讓自己看得更多。你赫然發覺這世界原來比想像中大。除了他,原來還有許多許多的事能令你哭令你笑;原來 過往你眼裡只有他,以致忽視了有很多有意義的事物。


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eclipse & Breaking Dawn Movie News

Currently there are three official trailers for the upcoming movie, Eclipse, from the Twilight Saga.

The first one features the love triangle between Edward, Bella and Jacob. In the clip, Edward promises to love Bella "every moment forever", while Jacob asks Edward to "consider the idea that I might be better for her than you are". The competition between the two hotties is going to be intense in this movie!

The second trailer features the war between Victoria's young vampire army and the united force of the Cullen family and the werewolves. It seems that there are going to be a lot more action scenes in this one!

The latest trailer is all about the Volturi. The 43-second clip shows Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix watching the newborns doing destruction from a building. They haven't decided whether or not to interfere with the crisis. Poor Felix got excruciated by Jane when he suggested they consult with Aro.

Eclipse will be out in the cinema on June 30 in the US.

The Twilight series finale, Breaking Dawn, will be directed by Bill Condon. There are rumors about whether the finale will be split into two movies. The movie (or the first of the two) will be released on November 18 2011. Despite the recent salary disputes with some of the supporting cast (including some of the Cullens) , Summit Entertainment confirmed yesterday that the Cullens and Billy Burke, who plays Bella's father, are all set to return for the series' final installment.