Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Legendary Miss Britney Spears

I cried. I don't know why but tears just swelled up in my eyes when I saw Britney Spears crying in her interview. Generally I don't have much sympathy for artists. 99% of them portray a positive, attractive but fake public image, there's no reason for me to believe what they say they feel. With Britney, the case is slightly different. Yes she is a typical "pop art", or even "product" manufactured by the music industry, and yes she did drugs and drank alcohol and slept with possibly more than a few guys. I'm not saying that I approve of all the things she did, I just think her life is a real tragedy and if I were her, I would have gone crazy and broken into pieces long long ago. Britney is probably the only artist that I truly feel bad for, that I sincerely hope she can be strong enough to live her tough life.

This girl used to laugh during interviews, smile at the camera after every performance. She used to be such a cheerful and sweet girl, until the media and the industry started to ruin her life. Britney is an artist who gets hurt from her own fame. What could be more tragic than that, when it's every artist's dream to be famous, to be on the front pages of newspapers and magazines, and to be recognized by people everywhere they go? Britney has been famous since she was only 18, when she debuted her top hits Baby One More Time and Oops!... I Did It Again. Since then, she quickly earned her place in the music industry and became an international pop icon within the first few years of her career. Before she turned 20 in 2001, she had already sold over 32 million albums worldwide. Some people criticize Britney for lip-syncing during her performances, but to all Brit's fans, watching her show is not about appreciating her vocal abilities, but about enjoying the sight, the scene, the mood, and the atmosphere she creates. Energy and passion simply radiates from her when she's on stage. I've never seen any other female artist reaches Britney's fever energy level live on stage. She didn't earn her "Pop Princess" title for nothing.

When she got more and more famous, paparazzi started to invade and exploit her life, to a degree that no other artist has experienced before. Britney appears on the front pages of tabloids for shopping in a grocery store, buying a new piece of cloth, or swimming in a beach during her vacation. A group of paparazzi follow her everywhere she goes, hoping that she would somehow get into some kind of trouble so that they can snap photos of her, create an epic story about the pop star's messed up personal life and get money from it. Everything in her life, including her career, her personal affairs, her relationships with guys, or even her motherhood, is put under a magnifying glass. It's easy for us to judge her when everything she does is reported and blown out of proportion by the media. For Britney, it's a nightmare. She can't even go shopping with her sons without a lifeguard around. She is just a money-generator in the eyes of the media and her record company. Her life is totally controlled by the ferociously competitive entertainment industry. Who cares anything about her except the amount of money she can generate?

Watching and comparing her old interviews with "For the Record"(2009), I can see her changes. She's gone through so much in the past ten years. She has gained maturity but lost a lot of happiness. How could you be happy when your life isn't even yours? How could you be optimistic about your life when the paparazzi are all waiting for you to make a big mistake for them to write on? I know celebrities are public images and they should expect these before setting foot in the industry, but Britney's situation is just beyond normal cases. I truly admire her strength to live through the dark period of her life. I don't think I can ever live a life like hers even when I'm 28 years old. It's just heart-breaking to see her suffer and cry in front of the interviewer. If you only knew what she's been through in the past three years, you'd understand her tears. Though she's changed a lot, I believe the cheerful girl is still there, deep inside her. I hope Britney can break free from all the shackles in her life and embrace a joyful future. A girl like her deserves to be happy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


這原本是份功課,既然已被評分,就貼上來當是一 則介紹電影的文章吧。


《浮生路》於零九年情人節檔期上映,由九七年賣座電影鐵達尼號的主角里安納 度狄卡比奧及琪溫斯莉主演。驟眼看,觀眾可能會以為《浮生路》是齣浪漫愛情片。實際上卻不然。其實,《浮生路》訴說的是一個人生悲劇。

故事主人翁維勒夫婦是美國五十年代的典型中產家庭。這對年輕夫婦自命不凡,希望擺脫枯燥乏味的生活,移居巴黎追尋理想人生。可惜,當二人著手準備移民時,兩件突發事件卻打亂了他們的計劃:妻子愛普嚇然發覺自己已懷孕十週;同時,丈夫法蘭克在工作上得到賞識,公司高層還打算讓他升職加薪。愛普堅決要按照原定計劃行事,法蘭克卻因工作上的成就及妻子懷 孕而對計劃猶豫不決,兩夫婦為此爭執不斷,矛盾日深。最終巴黎夢實踐不了,二人價值觀上的分歧也促成了一個 破碎家庭。

《浮生路》關注的不是男女間的愛 情故事,而是人們在現實與夢想之間的掙扎。在追尋夢想時,現實總會給我們帶來很多局限和障礙,令人猶豫追夢的決定是否明智。片中的丈夫法蘭克雖常說十分嚮往巴黎 的新生活,但當面臨升職加薪這股強大引誘時,便想向現實低頭,寧願繼續一份自己覺得沉悶至極的 工作也不想冒險到歐洲闖一番。相反,妻子愛普雖然知道丈夫在美國會於事業上大有作為, 卻又捨不得放棄期盼已久的巴黎生 活。很多時,現實生活中實實在在的成就和安全 感會令我們對虛無縹緲且充滿未知之數的夢想卻步,但若要理性地放棄夢想, 鬱 鬱不得志的感覺又會揮之不去。看著維勒夫婦為巴黎夢發生一次比一次激烈的爭 執,觀眾不難明白現實與夢想之間的 矛盾有多大威力。

電影本身也暗示了擺脫普通生活去 追尋夢想是很難成功的。維勒夫婦在計劃移民的初期,到處跟朋友訴說他們的追夢大計。大家都覺得很 驚訝,並認為他們的計劃是天馬行空,不可能成事。主角最終的遭遇也似在暗示觀眾,人若只顧追求遙不可及的夢想,下場很可能跟他們一樣,變得一無所有。為追 求個人夢想而放棄平淡安逸的生活似乎太不切實際,我們可能會得不償失。這是否意味著人除了接受現實,安分守己,便無更佳選擇? 若真的如此,人生又有什麼意義? 這些問題都值得觀 眾好好思考。

《浮生路》的一大賣點是里安納度和琪溫斯莉自《鐵達尼號》後首度攜手演出。 這對金童玉女各自經過十二年的磨練,演技大有提昇,把電影角色的情緒變化及內心掙扎一一表達出來。琪溫斯莉更憑此片於金球獎中獲得極高殊榮的最佳女主角 獎。在片中好幾段夫妻爭執場面中,她把女主角歇斯底里,瀕臨崩潰的情緒發揮得淋漓盡致,演技令人嘆為觀止。男主角里安納度亦絕不遜色,他把面對破碎婚姻以 及後期妻子死亡這些悲劇的負面情緒演得十分真實,透過銀幕把空虛和絕望的感覺帶給觀眾。《浮生路》的兩位主角都絕對是實力派演員,把維勒夫婦這對悲劇人物 演得活靈活現。

《浮生路》的中文譯名裡「浮生」一詞,喻意人生本來就充滿著很多我們無法預 計或控制的變數。在電影中,這些變數成了一對年輕夫婦追夢的障礙,加深了現實和夢想之間的分歧。作為旁觀者的觀眾,就見證著這些分歧如何讓一對一直被視為 夫妻典範的夫婦在浮生路上由相愛走到相恨,由希望走到絕望,最終甚至家破人亡。所以說,《浮生路》並非一齣普通的愛情片,而是一齣顯露現實殘酷一面的悲劇。

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Qinghai 7.1 Earthquake

An earthquake of 7.1 magnitude struck Qinghai, China yesterday morning. Over 600 people were killed and more than 300 missing. 15000 residential building were destroyed, leaving a lot of victims homeless.

Among the dead was Mr. Wong, a volunteer from Hong Kong, who died while saving victims from a Yushu orphange. Mr Wong had been actively engaging in various charity work in mainland China in the past years. He arrived at an orphanage in Yushu earlier this month to provide volunteer service. Mr. Wong escaped when the orphanage building collapsed, but decided to return to help rescue the buried children and teachers. He was said to have successfully saved 4 people, but unfortunately lost his own life during the process. His courage and selflessness gained respect from people who read about the news.

Wen Jaibao, Premier of China, arrived at the affected region to inspect the damage. The freezing temperature became a great challenge to the survivors. Relief organizations like Oxfam and Red Cross have already started preparing aid packages, including thick blankets, tents, food and clothes, to send to the area. Hong Kong Red Cross has also mobilized $200000 to support the relief work in Qinghai.

Monday, April 5, 2010






