Monday, March 29, 2010

iPhone 4G

As Apple have been releasing a new generation of iPhone every summer in the past three years, iPhone 4G is expected to come out between May-July 2010.

The previous iPhones are extremely popular among phone users due to their flattering design and the ability to incorporate the functions of multimedia player, web browser, phone and third-party applications into one single device. However, the previous generations are often critizied for their short battery life, the lack of multi-tasking function and low quality camera.

Consumers are beginning to spectulate what new features will iPhone 4G bring. The possibilities include: an OLED screen, a 500-megapixel camera, improved battery life, removable battery(the possibility is small, as even the iPad does not have this feature), multi-tasking, biometric security and more. A list of 25 most-wanted features of the upcoming iPhone can be found on the following website.
iPhone 4G: Most Wanted Features - iPhone Hacks

There are also rumoured pictures of iPhone 4G available on various websites, though most of them are just concept designs created by individuals. There are still a few months away from the release of the fourth generation iPhone. Let's wait and see what surprises will Apple bring us this year.

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