Saturday, July 31, 2010
「情人眼裡出西施」? 不! 是「情人眼裡出壽司」才對! 這是PIP劇場現正上演的一齣舞台喜劇!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3, finally. We've all waited so long for this to come! It's time to meet Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Bull's Eye and all the other toy friends again!
Like all the Toy Story lovers who have waited for 11 years, Andy has grown up. He's 17 years old now and no longer spends time with his childhood toys. Andy wanted to take Woody to college with him and store his other toys in the attic. Somehow, by accident, the toys ended up being donated to Sunnyside Daycare by his mum. Despite Woody's effort in explaining the misunderstanding, the toys believed that Andy didn't want them anymore. Warmly welcomed by the daycare toys and their leader Lotso, Andy's toys decided to stay. Woody had no other choices but leave on his own.
Andy's toys were allocated to a group of young kids who didn't know how to treat toys well. Buzz, Jessie and all other toys were soon abused by those children. Buzz, as a representative of the toys, went to seek help from Lotso, only to discover the evil side of the seemingly harmonious leadership there. Meanwhile, Woody fell into the hands of a little girl named Bonnie on his way home. He learnt about the horrible truth about Sunnyside Daycare from Bonnie's toys and decided to head back to save his pals. The toys got home safe in the end, all ready to go to the attic. However, Woody wrote a note to Andy suggesting him donate all the toys to Bonnie. Andy did, and played with his old toys for the last time in Bonnie's garden before going to college.
The whole movie doesn't really have any particular emotional climax that tries to make you cry, yet it's the most touching Pixar movie by far. The "friends stick together till the end" theme is definitely one of the things that touch our feelings. The scene in which the toys decided to faced death together, holding hands before being pushed into the incinerator(of course they were saved in the end), simply shows how precious friendship can be. Another element that most audience relate to is the departure from being a child. We just couldn't help ourselves but feel sad when the time of saying ''goodbye'' to our childhood comes. All those memories... those days when we slept with our toys...when we longed for growing up...when we had no idea of the dark side of life. Saying goodbye to toys means stepping away from that carefree world and taking a step closer to the unpredictable future and the complicated world of adults. Who wasn't scared of that?
The main idea of the story is that we should all learn to move on with our lives. Things change and there's no way we can avoid it. Clinging to the past doesn't help anything. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting our past. Everyone we loved... everything we experienced... stays forever in our heart. We just need to be ready to embrace a new life ahead.
Toy Story 3 is a wonderful movie. A movie that makes us laugh, wet our eyes, and reminds us of the precious childhood memories we all have. This is Disney's magic. They never fail to warm your heart with their movies. Go see the Toy Story 3 if you haven't, it surely will take you on an unforgettable emotional journey.
Friday, July 16, 2010
人在科學分類中,被定為生物界中動物界、瘠索動物門、哺乳綱、靈長目、猿科、人屬的智人種。人,只是眾多生物 中的一小部分。
春夏是植物最茂盛的時間,亦是昆蟲最活躍的季節。群花盛放的環境中,蝴蝶破蛹而出、蜻蜓羽化、各種昆蟲離巢覓食、繁殖;郊野地方生 機處處。數月後,秋冬來臨,昆蟲數量大減,取而代之的是一群又一群由北方南下過冬的候鳥。在香港這片福地,我們更有幸看到瀕臨絕種的黑臉琵鷺在這兒繁殖。自然界中所有生物都掙扎求存,努力在短暫的生命期中繁殖下一代,完成自己的天職。
生活在大城市中的人類,若您覺得自己十分不幸、覺得自己的煩惱比任 何人都大,或對生命感到絕望的話,不防抽一點時間,看看其他生物的世界。在大自然中,動物生存的機會極受周圍環境影響。溫度過高或過低,卵和蛋都 難以孵化,而即使一個生命成功誕生,牠又極可能在完成天職前便被食物鏈中的天敵吃掉。氣候轉變、自然災害等都會奪走許多動物的性命。在自然界中生存,從來 就不容易。
作為人類,至少我們沒有天敵會突然來襲,不用時刻擔心生命安全。至少,科技可以協助我們抵抗天災、提高繁殖率,甚至延長壽命。我們可說 是輕易擁有其他生物努力掙取、歇力保護的東西-生命。既然如此,我們又何需為生命中的波折過分擔憂? 在這個大世界裡,人類只是一群小小的物種。能夠安穩地生存已是最大的福氣,其他的煩惱根本不算什麼。實在不明白為何有些人只要遇上少許挫折便放棄生命。在 大自然中,各種動物在成長、覓食、繁殖這些過程裡都會遇上困難,但似乎只有「人」這種生物會選擇自動棄權。其實,我們一天還在世,所有問題都有時間去解 決。放開懷抱,珍惜生命,好好享受每一天吧。
人在科學分類中,被定為生物界中動物界、瘠索動物門、哺乳綱、靈長目、猿科、人屬的智人種。人,只是眾多生物 中的一小部分。
春夏是植物最茂盛的時間,亦是昆蟲最活躍的季節。群花盛放的環境中,蝴蝶破蛹而出、蜻蜓羽化、各種昆蟲離巢覓食、繁殖;郊野地方生 機處處。數月後,秋冬來臨,昆蟲數量大減,取而代之的是一群又一群由北方南下過冬的候鳥。在香港這片福地,我們更有幸看到瀕臨絕種的黑臉琵鷺在這兒繁殖。自然界中所有生物都掙扎求存,努力在短暫的生命期中繁殖下一代,完成自己的天職。
生活在大城市中的人類,若您覺得自己十分不幸、覺得自己的煩惱比任 何人都大,或對生命感到絕望的話,不防抽一點時間,看看其他生物的世界。在大自然中,動物生存的機會極受周圍環境影響。溫度過高或過低,卵和蛋都 難以孵化,而即使一個生命成功誕生,牠又極可能在完成天職前便被食物鏈中的天敵吃掉。氣候轉變、自然災害等都會奪走許多動物的性命。在自然界中生存,從來 就不容易。
作為人類,至少我們沒有天敵會突然來襲,不用時刻擔心生命安全。至少,科技可以協助我們抵抗天災、提高繁殖率,甚至延長壽命。我們可說 是輕易擁有其他生物努力掙取、歇力保護的東西-生命。既然如此,我們又何需為生命中的波折過分擔憂? 在這個大世界裡,人類只是一群小小的物種。能夠安穩地生存已是最大的福氣,其他的煩惱根本不算什麼。實在不明白為何有些人只要遇上少許挫折便放棄生命。在 大自然中,各種動物在成長、覓食、繁殖這些過程裡都會遇上困難,但似乎只有「人」這種生物會選擇自動棄權。其實,我們一天還在世,所有問題都有時間去解 決。放開懷抱,珍惜生命,好好享受每一天吧。
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The Twilight Saga - Eclipse
After weeks and weeks of waiting, the third movie from the Twilight Saga, Eclipse, finally opened in theaters yesterday (June 30). Eclipse is a lot more intense and action-packed than the previous two movies from the franchise, and to be honest, it's the best one so far.
The love triangle between the three main characters definitely gets heated up in Eclipse. Edward has returned and wanted to marry Bella, while Bella struggles to deny her feelings for Jacob. There are moments in the movie where Edward and Jacob get jealous of each other, which are quite entertaining for us audience to watch. There is also a romantic scene (especially for Twihards on Team Edward) where Edward proposes to Bella with a gorgeous ring in his bedroom.
The action scenes are much more exciting and intense this time, with a war going on between the Cullens-werewolves alliance and Victoria's new-born vampire army. The cast of the vampires all received special training to achieve the fittest condition for the fighting scenes, while the real master athlete off-screen, Taylor Lautner who plays Jacob Black, didn't get to do his own stunts because they were all done by his CGI wolf. What a waste! The battle scene toward the end of the movie was good, except being a little bit too short (only lasted for around 15 mins?). However, we do understand it's difficult to squeeze a 629-page story into 120 minutes, especially for Eclipse as the little stories about the wolf pack, Rosalie and Jasper also need to be covered.
The movie in general is good and the elements of romance and action are quite well-balanced. The fourth(which is also the last) story from the saga, Breaking Dawn, will be split into two movies and the first part will be in theaters in 2011. Let us all be patient, Twihards!
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