As Apple have been releasing a new generation of iPhone every summer in the past three years, iPhone 4G is expected to come out between May-July 2010.
The previous iPhones are extremely popular among phone users due to their flattering design and the ability to incorporate the functions of multimedia player, web browser, phone and third-party applications into one single device. However, the previous generations are often critizied for their short battery life, the lack of multi-tasking function and low quality camera.
Consumers are beginning to spectulate what new features will iPhone 4G bring. The possibilities include: an OLED screen, a 500-megapixel camera, improved battery life, removable battery(the possibility is small, as even the iPad does not have this feature), multi-tasking, biometric security and more. A list of 25 most-wanted features of the upcoming iPhone can be found on the following website.
iPhone 4G: Most Wanted Features - iPhone Hacks
There are also rumoured pictures of iPhone 4G available on various websites, though most of them are just concept designs created by individuals. There are still a few months away from the release of the fourth generation iPhone. Let's wait and see what surprises will Apple bring us this year.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
牛柏葉 Albert Yip!?
好一篇趣聞!堂堂一家酒店,菜牌怎能出這種低級錯誤?話雖如此,這次鬧出個笑話,也不能全怪酒店經理。菜牌翻譯並非特別困難,只要翻譯員願意花點時間去查一查其他食店同類菜餚的英文名,或上網查證一下,應該不難找到個合理的譯名。酒店經理也是認為這種簡單小事不太可能出問題,才沒有多加關注吧。若翻譯員肯下點功夫、做些資料搜集,譯出來的菜名即使不完全正確,應該也不至於錯得這麼離譜。恐怕這位翻譯者只用了最簡單最省時,但同時亦最容易出錯的方法-網上翻譯器。不是說網上翻譯器無用,只是它們大多逐字翻譯,未能顧及前文後理、寫作風格等因素,以致譯出來的意思十分零散,文法也會出現問題。若然這位翻譯員沒有用網上翻譯器,而是靠自己的「常識」去譯,情況就更令人驚訝了。難道自己讀出來都不覺好笑嗎?牛柏葉等於Albert Yip?Are you kidding me? 收人家翻譯費卻提供這種「劣質服務」,絕對應被列入黑名單!幸運的是,這次受影響的食客不太介懷菜單上的錯誤,只當它笑話一則。但無論如何,食肆將來外判菜單翻譯工作時,也應檢驗一下才收貨,免得香港旅遊業界再次蒙羞!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Eclipse - the Trailer
With much anticipation from all the Twilight fans, the Eclipse movie's full trailer finally came out a few hours ago.
Eclipse is the 3rd movie from the Twilgiht Saga. With Edward returning and Jacob still sticking around, Bella is caught in a love triangle with the vampire and the werewolf. Bella chooses Edward regardless of the damage he had done to her when he left for a year in the last movie. Jacob , however, is not willing to give Bella up. At the same time, enemy Victoria is using newborn vampires to build up an army to take revenge on the Cullens. A big fight at the end of the story is inevitable.
Guys may feel more entertained this time when watching the movie in cinema with their girlfriend, as Eclipse is expected to involve a lot more action and fighting scenes than the previous two movies. With the God-like Edward and the always-shirtless Jacob around, girls better get prepared to be dazzled by these two impossibly gorgeous creatures.
There are no major changes in the movie cast, though Rachelle Lefevre's role of Victoria will be replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard due to "scheduling conflicts", according to Summit Entertainment. There will also be some new faces like Leah Clearwater (played by Julia Jones) and Seth Clearwater (played by BooBoo Stewart).
The Twilight Saga - Eclipse will come out on 30th June 2010. Three-and-a-half months to go!
Eclipse is the 3rd movie from the Twilgiht Saga. With Edward returning and Jacob still sticking around, Bella is caught in a love triangle with the vampire and the werewolf. Bella chooses Edward regardless of the damage he had done to her when he left for a year in the last movie. Jacob , however, is not willing to give Bella up. At the same time, enemy Victoria is using newborn vampires to build up an army to take revenge on the Cullens. A big fight at the end of the story is inevitable.
Guys may feel more entertained this time when watching the movie in cinema with their girlfriend, as Eclipse is expected to involve a lot more action and fighting scenes than the previous two movies. With the God-like Edward and the always-shirtless Jacob around, girls better get prepared to be dazzled by these two impossibly gorgeous creatures.
There are no major changes in the movie cast, though Rachelle Lefevre's role of Victoria will be replaced by Bryce Dallas Howard due to "scheduling conflicts", according to Summit Entertainment. There will also be some new faces like Leah Clearwater (played by Julia Jones) and Seth Clearwater (played by BooBoo Stewart).
The Twilight Saga - Eclipse will come out on 30th June 2010. Three-and-a-half months to go!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
要數近期熱門電影,一定離不開鬼才添布頓拍的真人版《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》。故事其實是動畫版的延續:事隔十年,愛麗絲(Mia Wasikowska飾)已由當年的小妹妹長成一個亭亭玉立的少女,並意外地重返兒時到過的「仙境」。原來仙境在紅心皇后(Helen Bonham Carter飾)的暴政下變得民不聊生,居民一直都期待著愛麗絲這位傳說中的救世主來打救;其中瘋帽子(Johnny Depp飾)更擔上重任,帶愛麗絲聯同白皇后(Anne Hathaway)一起對抗暴政,展開一場瘋狂刺激的仙境旅程。
導演添布頓與飾演瘋帽子的尊尼特普在此片之前已有多次合作經驗,如2007年的《魔街理髮師》、2005年的動畫《怪誕屍新娘》和同年的《朱古力獎門人》。二人合作多次,自然非常有默契。尊尼特普曾指與添布頓合作能作很多新嘗試,甚至連唱歌都可以(如《魔街理髮師》) 。另一記者會中,添布頓又笑言有位記者在訪問時指他與尊尼特普已合作了「十個十年」 (本來應說a decade, 記者卻說了ten decades),場面十分惹笑。相信添布頓與尊尼特普私底下都是老友鬼鬼,才會有這麼多次合作吧。特別的是,每次他們合作的電影都是帶點古怪詭異的味道,尊尼的造型和角色更是不斷給觀眾一些意想不到的驚喜,相信這就是他們口中所指的新嘗試吧!
導演添布頓與飾演瘋帽子的尊尼特普在此片之前已有多次合作經驗,如2007年的《魔街理髮師》、2005年的動畫《怪誕屍新娘》和同年的《朱古力獎門人》。二人合作多次,自然非常有默契。尊尼特普曾指與添布頓合作能作很多新嘗試,甚至連唱歌都可以(如《魔街理髮師》) 。另一記者會中,添布頓又笑言有位記者在訪問時指他與尊尼特普已合作了「十個十年」 (本來應說a decade, 記者卻說了ten decades),場面十分惹笑。相信添布頓與尊尼特普私底下都是老友鬼鬼,才會有這麼多次合作吧。特別的是,每次他們合作的電影都是帶點古怪詭異的味道,尊尼的造型和角色更是不斷給觀眾一些意想不到的驚喜,相信這就是他們口中所指的新嘗試吧!
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